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Osten’s ARR Relic Grind Guide

Shopping List:

1. A Relic Reborn (i80)

2. Forging a Zenith Weapon (i90)

3. Making an Atma Weapon, AKA Please RNG Have Mercy (i100)

4. Making an Animus Weapon, AKA The Book Step (i100)

5. Making a Novus Weapon, AKA The Scroll Step (i110)

Making a Nexus weapon, AKA Light Farming Part 1 (i115)

Making a Zodiac weapon, AKA The Gil Sink (i125)

Making a Zodiac Zeta Weapon, AKA Light Farming Part 2 (i135)

Appendix: Trials of the Braves & Item Quest Dungeons

One of the only opportunities to "pipeline" relic steps for the Zodiac weapons is to do the gil sink step simultaneously with the book step. Some of the dungeons are shared between certain books and certain quest steps. The required dungeon for each book is as follows:

Organizing by dungeon, we have:

Dungeon Quest Step Book(s)
Amdapor Keep Treasured Mother (step 1) Skyfall II
Pharos Sirius Treasured Mother (step 1) Netherfall
The Aurum Vale Labor of Love (step 1) Skywind I
Haukke Manor (Hard) Labor of Love (step 1) Netherfire
Skyfall II
The Lost City of Amdapor Labor of Love (step 2) Skyfire I
Dzemael Darkhold A Ponze of Flesh (step 1) Skyfall I
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) A Ponze of Flesh (step 1) Skyfall I
Skywind II
Halatali (Hard) A Ponze of Flesh (step 2) Netherfire
Skywind I
The Wanderer's Palace Method in His Malice (step 1) Skyfire II
The Copperbell Mines (Hard) Method in His Malice (step 2) Skyfire II
Skywind II